If eligible to participate in the ASLEEP study you will be required to:
Attend an orientation
- Learn how to complete the study procedures
- Complete study questionnaires
Complete a 14-day study period
Complete online questionnaires
- Each morning, we will text you a link to your daily questionnaire
- Takes 10 minutes or less to complete
- Asks about last night’s sleep and any sleep disturbances you might have experienced
- It’s important that you complete the questionnaire:
- Within an hour of waking up
- Every day
Wear a sleep tracker
- A device you wear on your wrist like a watch
- Collects information about:
- How much you slept
- How many times you woke up
- How restless you were
- Your activity levels during the day
Compensation amount: Up to $100 gift card
Complete endpoint questionnaires
- Complete a final set of online questionnaires
Compensation amount: $15 gift card